Monday 22 April 2013

i'm 21 and new life of me .

Bismillahirrahmannirrohim .

firstly , Alhamdullilah and thankful to Allah , I'm still alive and I'm growth up now.
big girl already fara!

well my birthday was 7.4.1992! hehehe, past already.

shall we start my stories ?
 BM or En ?
both can ! :-)
rojak! manglish

well, as we know usually time our birthday selalunya happy kan .. to me on my birthday i'm not really happy . 1 week before birthday fara, something happened and a lots of matter's . so memang serabut  and the worse birthday I this year ever! for 2 week.. fara jadi drama melayu jap! ketenangan diri la konon ye.. for 2 weeks tu I been through many emotions and problems . and of course la!
 cari diri sendiri balik.
 where are you actually fara?
who are you fara ?
are you dreaming ?
still alive ?
let's start a new life girl!

for the first time in my life, YA, ALLAH asal birthday aku tahun ni teruk sangat ? YA, ALLAH , kuatkan aku... yes! I'm strong but ! I'm still weak!  bila terfikir balik pasal birthdaykan , rasa macam .. boleh tak tahun 2013 ni skip bulan 4 , and im really hate april this year. tapi tu semua tak bole hilang.. dalam 1 tahun kena ada 12 bulan , if hilang 1 ? tinggal 11 dunia ni kiamatla alamatnya :-)
sepanjang 4 bulan ni macam2 fara lalui.. baik yang baik dan yang tak baik.. means suka , duka , gembira , sedih and so on. umur ni dah meningkat 21 , banyak lagi benda yang fara tak tempuh lagi.
dulu2 , tempuh alam persekolahan dan alam diploma and now alam degreeee! cabaran hidup. a new life for me. zaman sekarang sekali bole berlajar then berlajar je la.. selagi mampu.. yes! fara mampu untuk belajar lagi..tambah ilmu.. tak salah pun kan .for my future and I have to sacrifice everything.
bila dah umur makin meningkat ni.. terfikir jugak la.. umur meningkat .. pahala fara meningkat tak ? ke dosa yang meningkat ? apa aku boleh buat ... tingkatkan kebaikkan untuk diri.. diri ni makin risau.. tak banyak pahala buat .. so tak nak abah tanggung dosa aku yang berlambak n bertimbun ni fara cuba tingkat kebaikkan dan pahala fara dengan izin Allah. IN SHA ALLAH :)

new beginning of my life ,
1.focusing on my studies and career.  
2. no more relationship !
( mum said : what happened to your  past , its past ! focus on study and be better person. if you and him were meant to be , in sha Allah , one day he'll find you back )
3. thinking of myself only .
4.relationship and communication with Allah always.
5.stay positive.
6.get a good result !
7.making a new friends! life ,new hope , and everything is new.
9.don't let other people look down at you! and never trust everyone's !
10. the most important thing fara still the same fara.

Allah , give me strength , give a new hope , give a chance to be better person for my family , siblings , friends and for all Muslim . please , stay away me from something bad . give me a shine to shine up my day . Allah , you know everything and Allah always with me .

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